Welcome to the team, Jackson "Tre Flip God" Lufkin

Have you ever stepped on a board and felt this burst of euphoria? We let this one guy try one of our boards and he's been up tre flipping ever since. We're stoked to introduce the newest addition to join the meanest and cleanest team around, Jackson Lufkin! Welcome to the team dude and we couldn't be more excited for what's in store for the future.

It has been said that Jackson once sailed across the Pacific Ocean to learn the true meaning of the tre flip. On this epic journey, he stumbled across a Blue Marlin fish who taught him the ways and the true meaning behind the trick. He then knew that on his arrival back home he would have to find the dopest team from New York City and exploit this new found talent. The rest as you now know it is history.

Enjoy this short clip of Jackson shredding!

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  • Craig Lufkin on

    Way to go my Boy!! Keep up the the outstanding effort and SHRED on!!! :)

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